With a modest beginning in 1984, where children played all the roles of Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream” on the Courthouse lawn, Hamilton Civic Theatre has involved the community in a love of words, acting, and stagecraft. From 1984 through 1991, HCT produced plays in the Woman’s Council building located at 110 West Main. From 1992 until 2001, the theater group used the facilities of the old Texan Theater at 104 S. Bell. In 2004, Hamilton Civic Theater incorporated, obtained non-profit status, and purchased the building at 108 Ross Street in Hamilton, its permanent home.
Our arms are open in welcome for Players, Observers, Singers, and Roustabouts …
Hamilton Civic Theatre needs your talents and gifts in many aspects. If you can help in any of the following areas, please let us know.
- Box Office – Sell tickets and concessions at each performance.
- Set Construction – Build and paint flats and set pieces.
- Set Design, Costume Design – Create important visual touches to a production.
- Lighting – Performance lighting is a rarely appreciated necessity to any stage, and we can use your assistance.
From auditioning for a part, to ticket-taking at the door, from decorating a set, to inviting your friends, YOU are the lifeblood of Hamilton Civic Theatre. Each moment of thought, act of kindness, each small task, needed chore, each large contribution, generous gift, is appreciated and acknowledged. Hamilton Civic Theatre accepts your kind support and welcomes your benevolence. Thank you!
As a way to keep track of all that goes on within our community theater group, please become a frequent visitor to this page. Tell your friends. Be the “civic” in Hamilton Civic Theatre!